NHS 75th Anniversary Celebratory parkrun

nhs 75 parkrun

JOIN US - 8th July 2023 at Verulamium Park starting 9am

We ALL have the power to make a big difference to our health and wellbeing. 
Join Midway Surgery in marking this special event by walking, running or volunteering at our local Parkrun!

Just register at register | parkrun UK and come on down with a copy of your printed barcode.
We have 40 staff from the NHS volunteering, walking, jogging or running so far!

Find your 5k exercise plan below!

Exercise plans for beginners: https://www.nhs.uk/better-health/get-active/how-to-be-more-active/#exercise-plans

For NHS workers: https://doingourbit.org.uk/?utm_campaign=2498373_Active%20Practices%20Newsletter%20-%20February%202023&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Dotmailer&dm_i=49LX,1HJR9,JTM9I,6WC5I,1

If you re interested in joining us in celebrating the NHS’s 75th anniversary, please sign up here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfgCYxU7cPy_pyoYs4ooCRlP7UbaaUAfT6i1ThWZeeYmFsQvA/viewform

We will keep you up to date over the coming weeks!